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A close friend but not too close to steal your beer

Aye bo! Whatcha doin?

by JackOh January 1, 2022


An “add on” to a friends name. Also used alone. Very sOuThErN

Rhett: Hey bo
Jim:aye Rhett-bo
Rhett:Hey Jim-bo

by Sassysalamander04 August 14, 2020


A really cool kid who doesn’t like music, tv, and anything that has to do with electronics but if he can he’ll always get a chance to play Minecraft and watch and ask questions every day about what your doing he’ll always look at what your texting and will never understand

Greyson - Wow look at that bo he’s annoying because he asks to much questions
Nate - he’s cool in all but can easily get annoying

by WildTk August 23, 2019


Literally anything

John: She’s cheating on continuously, Peter
Peter: Nah lus that bo

by PhumelaSmith October 22, 2020


Bo is a word used in the Bay Area short for codeine.

Aye you got some bo?” “Po’up some not”

by yaaaadda July 14, 2020


sexy hot stuff thats really hot and sexy

Bo is so hot

by ChiefTheChad June 23, 2021


Literally the hottest person to ever live

Karl: omg hes so hot
Roberto: we’ll yeah his name is bo

by Roberto Karl the third April 4, 2022