An “add on” to a friends name. Also used alone. Very sOuThErN
Rhett: Hey bo
Jim:aye Rhett-bo
Rhett:Hey Jim-bo
A really cool kid who doesn’t like music, tv, and anything that has to do with electronics but if he can he’ll always get a chance to play Minecraft and watch and ask questions every day about what your doing he’ll always look at what your texting and will never understand
Greyson - Wow look at that bo he’s annoying because he asks to much questions
Nate - he’s cool in all but can easily get annoying
John: She’s cheating on continuously, Peter
Peter: Nah lus that bo
Bo is a word used in the Bay Area short for codeine.
“Aye you got some bo?” “Po’up some not”
Literally the hottest person to ever live
Karl: omg hes so hot
Roberto: we’ll yeah his name is bo