was born in 2009 7 of any month has the husgest penis known to man kind and pull all the ladies. He has to fight of boys in the change room because they want the moiture untended too bush. He is more chad than GIGA CHAD AND ALL OF THE CHADS, IF YOU DISAGREE YOU A LITTLE WILLI.
chad henry is in love with leon
A world famous doxer, he has striken down many public figures, including xxxtentacion, fireking492, and mummykiller6789. You will know he is coming when you hear one of the two phrases, "a cyber tidal wave is coming" or "dread it, run from it, chad will arrive"
His appearance is somewhat distinguishable because of his large hunch back. Chad has gone into hiding recently and claims to be 6 foot with "bomb ass abs".
If you ever encounter chad, run.
Fireking is undergoing an attack from chad the doxer
FireKing492: Hey Chad Smith, F*CK you!!!!!!
Chad Smith: i will be back ejdhsjosbdgajsnfh......
Chad Smith: The drummer from the Red Hot Chili Peppers has one of the most generic names in the English language. You have Chad which is just a basic frat boy name and then to top it all off his last name is Smith. What a legend.
Imagine being named Chad Smith
men named chad usually drink miller light. likes to have a few before he really opens up and has fun. seems to have a lot on his mind but very easy to talk to and loves to laugh. enjoys learning new things from the urban dictionary particularly on thursdays.
mary: hey chad how are you?!
chad: I’m well. how are you?!
Chad is that kind of dude who is the male version of a horse girl but he is over obsessed with cars and all he talks about his cars and he probably has like five of cars He’s also super obsessive about his cars you can’t Eat or drink anything if you get a single Crumb In his car he will probably drop you off Right then and there He’s also a big man so you can’t fight with him and he probably works out every day.He’s also probably a hotheaded
Chad: what is this.
You: it’s a piece of hair?
Chad: get out of my car right now!
generally a young white male, but not always. wannabe southern californian. no real qualifications, aside from being able to look at him, utter the word ‘chad’, and it just captures his aura perfectly. in lame mans terms, you just know if he’s a ‘chad’
“shawn is such a chad” *insert annoying white girl giggle*