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Covid roach

People named owen like roaches when they have covid

Owen has a new fetish of being a covid roach

by Braydendecker May 31, 2022

La Purga De COVID

The day after the company COVID vaccine mandates take effect and the company terminates everyone who has not provided their vaccine card.

My department lost 6 people during La Purga De COVID and now I have to work 2 hours of overtime every day. On the upside the office is much less divided.

by Rickapedia October 18, 2021

Covid Breakdown

When you are fed up with self isolating, social distancing, staying home and just want to go out, give someone a hug or go out to a restaurant

Melanie had a covid breakdown while doing dishes and just wanted to go to a restaurant and be served

by simba12341 June 25, 2020


Covid Line

I met my boyfriend on the Covid Line”

It’s pouring rain, I’m starving and I have two more hours on the Covid Line”

What are my choices? Better get on the Covid Line!

by Krazymama October 29, 2020

Covid Hot

A person You met during the Pandemic and interacted with while they wear usually wearing a mask who you found attractive Physically until you started seeing them mask-less.

She has a rocking Body and bedroom eye's but she drops from a 8 to 4 with the mask off she was only Covid Hot

by Wingnut75 October 28, 2021

Covid kilos

Any weight, either physical or mental, gained during 2020.

I need to shred the covid kilos.

by Rufus Gristle February 21, 2021

Trump caused Covid

The bullshit idea that it's Trump's fault for COVID, not only ignoring the fact that recently the CDC discovered that only 6% of counted COVID deaths were actually COVID deaths, but the fact that it was due to the fact that many governors did things that Trump had no control over, such as the fact that Governor Cuomo sent old people to die in state nursing homes, deaths which helped cover up, while attacking Trump, and furthermore, Trump signed the largest stimulus bill in US history to help, oh and there's also the fact that overall, Trump had no effect on the decision of the state governments, considering that the US has a federal system where the states can decide for themselves what policies to have, so even Trump putting out guidelines still didn't mean that all governors had to follow them. Overall, everything is mainly reliant on the states.

Leftist dumbass: Trump caused Covid Haha Cuomo is such a good boy he should run for president he cares about covid and climate change and he stands up to Trump
Anyone with any IQ over room temperature: Did you know that Cuomo sent old people to die in New York nursing homes and also the fact that he helped cover up deaths afterwards? Oh and consider the fact that he shut down 2 reactors at the clean and powerful Indian point Nuclear power plant, as a result of which reliance on carbon dioxide emitting natural gas increased.

Leftist dumbass: (AOL noises) Orange man bad! He is literally *Insert average movie dictator* and we are *Insert generic hollywood rebel* !

by Gaylordgangster69 September 16, 2020

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