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Animal Crossing: New Horizons

The relaxing, creative, and cutest game you'll ever play. Your Soul will be at its happiest here. (*^▽^)/★*☆♪

Jonny: have you played Animal Crossing: New Horizons? Emma: YES! Im so happy! Wanna join? Jonny: You bet.

by SuPeRJaCoBBrOs December 8, 2023

Hoppers crossing

Also known as Australian Birmingham, It is a terrible place located in the suburban region of south Victoria near Melbourne. It has been a hotspot for crime and violence for decades and there are numerous reasons why you shouldn’t step foot in the fucking shithole
1: Homeless encampments

The homeless people there will chase you if you get too close to their camps or they’ll chase you to steal your shit.
2: Just generally a dangerous fucking place
Don’t ever walk alone there and NEVER walk at night there since illegal firearms are everywhere and the chances of you getting stabbed is extremely high.
3: Home Invasions

There are a lot of home invasions (no shit)
4: Unsanitary shithole with Antisemitic Graffiti

Public defection and swastikas are a common site amongst this hell on earth
Also watch out for used needles and crack pipes
5: Constant Gunshots at night.
Sounds like fucking fireworks constantly at all hours of the night

6: You’ll either be murdered or witness someone be murdered there.

I’ve seen a dude get stabbed in broad daylight outside his own home while he was arguing with a crack head and he had to crawl to his own front door with a pool of blood following the poor cunt.
TLDR: The place is a shithole.

Person One: I live in Hoppers Crossing
Person Two: You Poor Cunt

by JulieInmanGrantIsAfuckingBitch May 23, 2024

Ryley Cross


Cardi B does not have a long-back.

Ryley Cross has a Long-back.

by Doug Norvell July 15, 2024

Hot Crossed Schnitzel

The act of hitting a penis layed out on a flat surface with something heavy, causing immense pain.

My woman wanted to ride me on the table, but my dick missed the hole and she gave me hot crossed schnitzel. Still freaked her anyway.

by Sam Majik November 3, 2016

Cross Logs

When two people shit in the same toilet.

"Hey man wanna go to the bathroom and cross logs together?

by Bodhei April 10, 2019


When someone wears two separate brands of the same type of thing.

"Man how are you going to be cross-pimping like that, wearing Nike shoes with adidas socks"

by Downsouthpimp December 27, 2016

Why did the condom cross the road?

Because it was pissed off

'Why did the condom cross the road?' Is a original joke that I created. Definitely didn't copy from anywhere

by Notmelol123 April 22, 2022