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Don't make me piss

A phrase used when experiencing a great amount of laughter or an uncontrollable amount of laughter in a given situation.

Betty: Susan fell down the stairs and her pants ripped!
Gretta: Don't make me piss

Betty: The teacher driving the school van hit a mailbox
Gretta: Don't make me piss that's unreal

by fooke7 February 7, 2023

I don't give a fig

It means, I don't give a fuck

I don't give a fig if you own a PhD in International Relations, I am the boss here!

by Brasf June 24, 2016

You either do or don't

Basically saying do it or don't,it just matters on what happens on one of those choices. If you or someone else is not really wanting to do something, but at the same time you technically can do that thing, that's where the phrase "You either do or don't" comes into play.

Example 1: Someone that works can get up to go to work, but they don't want to, if someone else says or that person remembers the phrase "You either do or don't", they will think about the outcomes of either decision, therefore proceeding with one of the choices depending on how they want it to play out.

Example 2: Have better eating habits to better your health or keep up bad eating habits and then your health declines

by FiienXD June 29, 2022

Don't be so straight about it

A term used when one of your homeboys is being too heterosexual and you need to remind him to be more gay.

Woah dude, we don't bang girls here. Don't be so straight about it.

by PubicPaskey March 31, 2017

Don't do this at 3 AM!

A video type in YouTube where a YouTuber wakes up from sleep at midnight to record the video and then do an activity (Such as calling someone, playing a game, go out, etc.) until they see creepy things/hear creepy sounds and then a jumpscare or something like that.

"Don't do this at 3 AM!" types:
"Don't do gymnastics at 3 AM"
"Don't go to McDonald's at 3 AM"
"Don't use bath bombs at 3 AM"
"Don't try this online chatroom at 3 AM"
"Don't play Roblox at 3 AM"
"Don't call ForKy at 3 AM"
"Don't talk to Siri at 3 AM on Clinton Road"
"Don't do snakes at 3 AM"
"Don't call Dora at 3 AM"
"Don't call SpongeBob at 3 AM"
"Don't play Among Us at 3 AM"
"Don't call your mom at 3 AM"
And more...

by dgfhgfdcghghfgghhhgggghhhhhhhh July 13, 2021

don't be jealous of a dead fish

Don't dwell on something long gone or worthless

- Did you see who my ex girlfriend kissed?
- Oh come on, don't be jealous of a dead fish!

by trippy trip February 27, 2023

marijuana i don't wanna

when a dude or dudet offers you the marijuana and you need a way to say no

friend: you wanna smoke marijuana
ME/you: marijuana i don't wanna

by kindofanicon May 29, 2018