person one: Im litterally gonna kms i hate myself so much and i just want it to all end, anyways im secretly adolf hitler
person two: wait your secretly who?
Im pooping but silly willie
Guess what, im poping in my khakis
Means that someone legit are going to smoke you until he/she are dying
"Hey Haley, i will smoke ya til im dying"
Haley "sure, i can 19:00"
this is a phrase that no female will ever say to you dumbfuck
person 1: hey mommy
person 2: *dials 911
person 1: *gets raped by for mexicans in a truck
person 2: joins in the action
person 1: im so horny
A phrase people use when they make a mistake or do something wrong. It is showing that you did not mean to do anything wrong.
Person 1: "I can't believe you broke my vase! It was an expensive antique!"
Person 2: "im sorry.."
Person 1: "You should be ashamed of yourself!"
Person 2: :(
Mister Krabs from the cartoon SpongeBob SquarePants get a heart attack and exclaims that he is dying.
"You should go outside more often, man."
the meaning of "im just a girl" is a girls code word for wanting to break up with her current boyfriend and fuck her ex
im fr just a girl fuck my mans