When u be dressed with the Drippiest drip ever *insert f-boy face* (basically when u dressed like the pretty Bois on social media)
Everybody pay attention This right here is my pretty boi swag (ayee)
Visual beauty consistent with conventional norms, highlighted by a degree of skill, technological sophistication, or knowledge, encountered in a context usually not associated with beauty or attractiveness. Originally pertaining to the Aurora microreactor.
That dude who won the science fair is really hot!
- Yeah, he's pretty as a power plant
When someone is quite nerdy, but can also be used when someone is a beautiful nerd.
That girl over there is pretty nerdy.
An attractive person, but only by Sacramento standards. This person wouldn’t be considered attractive by any other standard.
Damn, that hoe really do be Sacramento pretty.
when a female you usually wouldn't look at in a sexual way is pretty enough to scissor
damn friend you look scissor pretty
Someone who is beautiful, but broken.
"She's a 10, but she's a little crazy."
"Oh, c'mon, you and these pretty-in-wilts."
A girl who is not pretty out of the shower, but has a solid foundation and when applies makeup and effort appears pretty.
I saw Kim when she woke up this morning and realized she is a total prom night pretty.