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jimmy eat world

An absoultely amazing rock band from Mesa, Arizona, who a lot of people consider emo, although the band members hate that word. Either way, they're a class act with great lyrics, great music, and they put on a great show. Those of you who know the m just for The Middle need to hear they're other stuff, althouth it is quite a song.

Jimmy Eat World=Jim Adkins- guitar,lead vocals, Tom Linton- guitar, back up vocals, Rick Burch-bass, Zach Lind- drums.

by catalyst u insist 2 pull me down June 9, 2005

43๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Little Jimmy Urine

gorgeous, left handed, and wonderfully talented

trent reznor godliness

by Lyndsie January 5, 2004

412๐Ÿ‘ 91๐Ÿ‘Ž

Little Jimmy Urine

Lead singer and programmer for punk rock band "Mindless Self Indulgence". Sometimes shortened to "Jimmy Urine" or just "Jimmy".
Also suspected to be Jesus Christ reborn.

If I was gay...yeah, I'd do Little Jimmy Urine.

by Andrew D. Pratt January 13, 2009

92๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

wet jimmy

A Wet Jimmy is like a Wet Willy except, once the finger is licked it is wiped across the eye, instead of stuck in the ear.

Person1: shut up or im going to give u a wet jimmy.
Person2: you mean wet willy, right?
Person1: no, a wet jimmy.
Person2: wtf is that?
*person one demonstrates*

by SVHSkid September 3, 2007

5๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž

Little Jimmy Effect

The effect which states that the younger a person is, the harder it is to criticize them because others expect them to be ignorant of what they did wrong. Either this or the young person knows about this concept and are just pretending to seem ignorant. This effect lessens the older a person becomes. This was first coined by the Youtuber Racoon Eggs.

My cousin broke my fucking laptop cause he wanted to see me get mad. He's not getting in trouble because of the damn little jimmy effect

by Harambe Glue February 24, 2018

Captain Jimmy Gardner

The man, the myth, the legend, Captain Jimmy Gardner. He is a decorated war veteran from a family of war heroes, who only left the service due to losing his leg. He now pursues his dream of being a teacher at the Williamsport Area High School, substituting for teachers.

Sophomore 1: "Hey, there's Captain Jimmy Gardner. I heard he's subbing for TK today."
Sophomore 2: " Yeah, I heard his story in Rinker's last week when he subbed for him, but it was first told when he subbed for Mahon."
Sophomore 1: "Man, Raymond really is a crazy man."

Sophomore 2: "Yep."

by Captain Jimmy Gardner February 27, 2020

hammer on my jimmy

To masturbate aggressively with no intention of stopping.

Greg: "What are you up to this weekend?"
Rodney: "Nothing much. Probably just gonna sip a bottle of whiskey and hammer on my jimmy."

by THE HOLE WIZARD January 26, 2017