Source Code

Mud Bucket

An extreeeeeeeeemmmmmmmmly ugly person.

That chick Aaron fucked was a md bucket.

by metamorphosis May 15, 2004

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Mud Flaps

oversized, used anus.

She likes it in the ass so much, her ass looks like it has mud flaps.

by Bumbomb.com May 4, 2003

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mud monster

(Offensive) A person of African origin.

The north side of town is where all the mud monsters live.

by uncertain January 17, 2007

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mud bogging

the act of having sex with a chick when she has diarhea

my girlfriend was sick so i went mud bogging

by poop March 2, 2004

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Man mud

The combination of poop and sperm. The result of male on male anal sex.

Dale squirted man mud all over the bed after a night of anal sex with Ted.

by Willyrain June 10, 2011

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Slinging mud

This is what you do after you finish eating at the local mexi fast food joint and you have a serious emergency.

Uhh! I'm gonna be slinging mud for a week after that meal.

by jonny techmore September 21, 2009

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mud snake

one who has anal sex with another, male or female

Chad had anal sex with a nasty girl at a campground. He is now a "mud snake"

by Anonymous August 21, 2003

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