Is the first step to calling out a gay homosexual to publicly name and shame them.
Hey! You! Yes you. You are a poofter!
No poofter’s allowed here so beat it queer..with your pink shirt and fag sandals.
You use this phrase if you don't know the difference of "you are" and "your".
Human 1: Hehe I did something tonight.
Human 2: I did you are mom.
World: Oh shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit
Used in conversation to emphasize that the story is NOT an an exaggeration.
"That's exactly how it happened. I shit you not."
This is South African slang from generation Y
Min means you don't care what people think (Minimal fucks given)
The word has taken on a different meaning from different areas, some are using min as a means to say keen.
I am guessing someone heard it and misinterpreted the meaning and now it's spread.
I am min for you or I am min for what you say, I will do as I please.
I am so min (keen) for the party.
To repeated take Ls by acting like an idiot.
To act like Donald Trump
Gary, you trumpin'. You gonna get your ass beat.