breaking news!: sandy likes to take Patricks prickly sea pickle onna daily yuhurd?
definition: prickly sea pickle //
pronounced: pr ick ly see pick el
"Yo dude you heard about sandy and patrick?" /// "yeah man ! he said them cheeks was heavenly!!"
"yo man I heard sandy asked for Patricks prickly sea pickle" \\ "yeah man ! he told me them cheeks was heavenly !!"
The place where you make your closest friends and your best memories.
I want to go back to cape cod sea camps, all my friends are there and I miss them!
Oyster Bay, Sauvignon Blanc.
"Fancy a cheeky wee Sea Waub?" "Oh, cheeky!"
A really overweight person, mostly female
Why do people like that sea container's Instagram posts? She's so ugly!
1) people who probably already do (or would) live on a yacht in the sea if they could and probably have signs around their beach house on the sea with phrases such as:
"Life's a beach" , "Take me to the beach" , "Margaritas and the beach" etc.
“Man 1: Hey, wanna go to the sea port?
Man 2: Nah, too many sea people there.”
Shenanigans on the high seas which generally involves ample quantities of rum.
They were headed sailing for a week full of sea-nanigans.
Gotta get the bacon of the sea up on my plate, my mouth waters for that sweet salty eel goodness.