Another word for a firearm
Watch out, het got the stinky sand
When 1 farts into the inlet of an air/leaf blower and shoots the deadly gas at an un expecting party, resulting in extreme discomfort and laughter
Did you hear what happened to my Dad last weekend? He served mum up a stinky dan now he only has 1 testical
a gay brown cunt. He gets freaky in bed and will grab a peperonni and chees sarnie and shove it up big dick ricks ass and fuck till the sandwich is grilled from the big dick friction. People love to hate him. Hes packing though, making even straight guys fall for him. I can speak for this. I accidentally slipped onto him and we did 'it' for a whopping 5 hours until he finally finished in my kidney. He lets it crust so that his future boyfriend can pick the crust off.
hes a dirty boy, that jolly indian,jai . Hes a very stinky boy though. He never changes and eats his deodorant instead of applying it to his moist jungle pits. He smells like roti with curry after a coming out someones bootyhole. EW
I can smell the Stinky Jai a mile away from here.
Having a guy lick a girl's asshole while fingering her at the same time. Similar to a rusty trombone, but for a chick.
So Cindy gave me a rusty trombone last night and it was so good I felt like I had to return the favor and I gave her a stinky DJ.
A girl's vagina with a foul scent
Daphine got them stinky jinkies.
When you sit on a girls pussy and farts
Damn girl, I just gave you a stinky cooch!
A particular handjob exhibiting a particularly odiferous smell, ie) Hagrid and/or haggis
Bro that was a stinky handjob!