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trying hard

A word used to express somone going a extra limit to get a girl. This means by any means of using aim, texting, or even talking.

Chris: Adrian i need a intellect buff
Adrian: Hold on, ima doing somthing*click, click click, type type type*
Chris: Is that THing i hear? GIVE ME A T!!
Chris and Stan: H!

A way to express someone trying hard would be standing up and yelling T! and making a T with your hand, then seconds later being H! making two parrell lines(with your hands of corse)and getting a friend to finish the middle, this is how you make the person aware of a THer.

by EGHEMESDHKA May 2, 2008

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Hard Cunt

A Hard Cunt is an individual who in a night, has done six points of meth, then has proceeded to Candy Flip the next day.

"You ain't a hard cunt, til you've done six points of meth, then Candy Flipped the next day."

by Deadlyboong December 2, 2017

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hard by you

phrase used to describe a ballsy action

frederick: hey john I just finished egging mrs. smith's car.

john: hard by you Freddy.

by jimbob33 January 14, 2009

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From the movie 'Hard Candy' starring Ellen Page.

When a character displays pedophiliac tendencies within a movie or book.

"Dude, that guy is SO hard-candying over that girl right now."
"She is hard-candying all over that movie!"

by Beautiful Soul November 6, 2013

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chill hard

To "Chill-Hard", usually refers to one of the boys who has been "Wifed-Up", but still rages and parties excessively with his homies.

Even though Dylan has been pussy whipped for the last two years he can still chill hard.

by Gran Manzana November 13, 2011

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Hard Worker

Specifically, a girl who works hard to get the dick. Generally speaking, anyone who puts a lot of effort into acquiring sexual relations with someone else.

That girl is a hard worker, she's been following John around the bar all night.

by vbigtitties June 1, 2019

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connor harding

most common nicknames are melt or duck. he has an extremly small penis and he is often pleasured analy by his dad brian.

connor harding i heard that squeezed one out over brian

by eggybread June 10, 2011

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