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Chuck Norris

The most powerful man on earth.The only person that can rival him is god himself and Chuck still pwns him on a regular basis.

Jesus: I heard you got pwnt by Chuck Norris in Ping-Pong the other day God

God: I fucking hate him, he makes me seem like a noob everytime I see him

by M.B Wavvy July 14, 2009

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Chuck Norris

He's probably your father.

Only those who wish to have their skin peeled off with their dead children's teeth, be eaten alive by a giant ant, and then be burned with lightning and a magnifying glass should ever utter the name Chuck Norris.



by Mack B May 22, 2008

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Chuck Norris

To Be Chuck Norrisafied
To Get Pwnd
To Be Beat Down
To Be Set Aflame and Rolled Down a Mountainside

Chuck Norris

by Music_God September 24, 2010

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Chuck Norris or Dead

A phrase used to describe how well known a fact is. If someone does not know some thing obvious, they are either Chuck Norris or dead.

That guy doesn't know that men sit down to pee. He's either Chuck Norris or dead.

by canada blows October 10, 2005

21๐Ÿ‘ 81๐Ÿ‘Ž

chuck da triplets

its just like chucking da duece except except eit your last three fingers okay its basically just sayin okay lol i just do it cuz im tired of the duece

sierra: u goin in the crib g
Me: yea u already kno

Nee: g me to den finna go eat moms mashed potatoes

Me: i cant stand u save me sum
Sierra if yall finna go go dang yall takin foreva
Me:okay dang sorry mama shot gettin angry well bi nee TRIPLETS yall
Nee: u always chuck da triplets just be normal
Me: umm no

by naughtynaudi August 17, 2009

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Chucking Threes Please

Should be the nickname for Antoine Walker - the trigger-happy NBA player who misses too many shots from outside the arc.

We went to the recent Timberwolves game and saw Chucking Threes Please ... oh well at least he's having fun eh.

by Adel7 January 13, 2008

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Chuck Norris Flip

Using both meth and PCP at the same time. It is said to give you nearly Chuck Norris-like strength.

"Did you hear about that guy who Chuck Norris flipped?"
"No, what happened?"
"He kicked a man so hard his kids exploded!"

by JamddL August 16, 2011

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