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Andrew Jackson Middle School

A school full of fish looking bitches , dry faced ass hoes with no life , bougie ass females , stank pussy hoes , sucking dick and popping pussy 7th graders , niggas who swear ball is life but can’t ball and dumb ass teachers with a fat ass dean shaped like a doughnut stick .

Andrew Jackson Middle School is stupid asf .

by Livinginreality January 13, 2018

Samuel L. Fucking Jackson

a man who is tired of those mutha fuckin snakes on that mutha fuckin plane


by Holden_Makok August 17, 2009

57πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

Fake Michael Jackson Fan

A person who ridiculed Michael Jackson and/or had absolutely NOTHING to do with him before he died and has suddenly decided that they are now his "biggest fan" after his devastating death.

These "Michael Jackson fans" are the prime example to the quote "You don't know what you got until it's gone."

Some MJ fans that became fans after his death make good points as to why they weren't such big fans of him then as they were now.

Others obviously lack sensibility and can't come up with a good excuse to save their lives.

The main ones that bother me are the ones that made fun of him and thought of him as a paedophile before he died and now say that they "love him to death!!! <333"

Actual conversation on Yahoo! Answers (after his death, mind you):

Some person: So, how long has everyone been listening to Michael Jackson?

Fake Michael Jackson Fan: Oh, I've def been listening to him since I was in the womb!!! <3

My thoughts: Really? Just...really?
I was very tempted to reply to it, but I decided not to get involved.

by FakeMJFanHater July 15, 2010

50πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Arthur Two Sheds Jackson

A man who does NOT have two sheds, despite his moniker. He is not planning on getting another. He only has one, and this shed of his has no special features.

"THAT IS IT! I am throwing away the bloody shed!"
"Then you'll be Arthur "No Sheds" Jackson, right?"

by Zach G. November 9, 2003

190πŸ‘ 44πŸ‘Ž

Solja Spirit Buu Jackson

Main character of the second worst fanfiction ever, imma wiserd. black, and racist. instead of racist, he says RASSIST.

www.fanfiction.net/immawiserd solja spirit buu jackson

by Elle Lite June 16, 2011

Andrew Jackson Middle School

Nigga, this place is hell, the niggas here think they can ball but they really can't fucking hoop, they booty and fruity, I bet their excuse would be "i was lagging", the bathrooms be dirty af, just like Gabby Barber, fucking thot, (we can all agree on that, w her damn ol' 7th grade, pussy poppin, blue waffle, HIV spreadin, broke run down underage "my asshole can hold 3 cocks" faceass transgender lookin bitch nigga) but anyways, we barely learn anything, the teachers are honestly aggravating and tell me this, why the fuck do we get homework when schools is MEANT for WORK, home is meant for REST, and we should learn everything in SCHOOL, not OUTSIDE of school, dumbass niggas, it causes too much stress like tf, and then the nasty ass rat hoes be lurkin in there, gossiping hoes like they some 60's white bitches talking shit and it spreads like wildfire (if its bout gabby is true tho), the whole enviroment is SHIT, like honestly, niggas need to be homeschooled nowadays. Fucking dean looking like a pornstar too

"Gabby you a hoe" "Fuck Andrew Jackson Middle School" "Roblox Ass Built Niggas" "Yamani is hot af" "Gabby, he mine" "Y'all some hoes" "Rusty ass rat lookin' niggas"
Andrew Jackson Middle School is a noun refering to the world's worst school including a thot

by XXXTENACIOU$ November 5, 2018

11πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

double dippin' flippin' jackson

getting a blow job while driving going under 30mph on a back road

my girl gave me a double dippin' flippin' jackson yesturday on the way home.

by big D boyles March 12, 2015