People at a rock concert forming a barrier and not allowing you any closer to the stage.
"Let's get closer to the band!"
"We can't, those guys in front of us are Rock Blocking!"
Commonly used as the female equivalent of "balls to the wall" indicating one is putting in the maximum amount of effort, working to the limit.
Girl I don't know if I'm feeling it this weekend...
Bitch please, we gotta go box to the rocks, get your game face on
1. (v): to do something so shockingly awesome that even you are breathless at the prospect of your own awesomeness. Massively impressive.
2. (v): to do or participate in something that attains such a level of awesomeness because one (the platypus rocker) was involved in its creation or progress.
Dude, you platypus rocked that shit!
1. A place where you can buy a part of the earth.
2. A music store specializing in R&R.
3. Safehouse for drug addicts.
Chris: I'm going to the rock shop to buy me some boulders for the yard.
Bill: Oh get me some R&R CDs and an amp!
Drew: Wait don't forget the crack!
Sitting in a cold shower with your male friends, while jacking off to see whose dick can stay hard the longest
Jason and his drum line bros, king of the rocked last night.
Bunker rock is a genre of classical rock characterized by its apocalyptic themes. While its musical style can vary wildly, the genre is primarily identified by a sharp juxtaposition between style and thematic material. It is common to hear songs written in a major key while the lyrics reflect upon themes of death and destruction.
I sometimes feel like modern people are obsessed with the end of the world, but then I listen to some bunker rock and it reminds me that things have been this way for awhile.