You use this phrase if you don't know the difference of "you are" and "your".
Human 1: Hehe I did something tonight.
Human 2: I did you are mom.
World: Oh shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit
A comeback to "you swallow" meaning the act of biting someone's dick. It's basically just constant comebacks saying what u do to someone's dick. "You suck" means sucking it ofc, "You swallow" means swallowing cum, and you bite means you bite da dick...
"You suck"
"You swallow"
"Nah fam you bite"
Used in conversation to emphasize that the story is NOT an an exaggeration.
"That's exactly how it happened. I shit you not."
This is South African slang from generation Y
Min means you don't care what people think (Minimal fucks given)
The word has taken on a different meaning from different areas, some are using min as a means to say keen.
I am guessing someone heard it and misinterpreted the meaning and now it's spread.
I am min for you or I am min for what you say, I will do as I please.
I am so min (keen) for the party.
To repeated take Ls by acting like an idiot.
To act like Donald Trump
Gary, you trumpin'. You gonna get your ass beat.
"Much, you?" is a term used in place of the response, "Not much, how about you?"
Only real beauties are able to properly use this term and should not be used unless 100% necessary.
This is a term that should be used after someone asked "Yat?"
Acorn MacDonald: "Yat Jacob?"
Jacob M: "Much, you?"
(variation: "whole lotta much")