Source Code

what it do

when u say whats up originated in the yay area,the bay

"what it do" keak the sneak, thats my word

by nikhil aka alabondad December 6, 2005

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What The Flocka

Instead of saying what the fuck, you use flocka.

When you get bullshitted in Call of Duty, scream What the Flocka.

Guy 1: Yo i heard you take it in the ass?

Guy 2: What the Flocka!

by Sleepy330 November 23, 2010

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What the Poop?

Statement used when shocked, taken back or confused. Very catchy. Also, nicer than swearing and kid friendly. But not to be used in buisness or proper situations.

"Hey Molly, we don't want you to come to the mall with us."
"What the poop?"

"Sally, your boyfriend is cheating on you."
"What the poop?"

by bubble:] April 30, 2009

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What's Up?

1) The words that pop out of human's mouths when they desire to talk to you, but don't have the intelligence to think of something intelligent to say.
2) The words people say when they haven't taken a science class to realize that the sky is above them.
3) The words people say when they strongly desire to hear the response "nothing" or "not much".
4) The words people say when they are trying to make friends/trying to keep a friendship, but utterly failing.

Next time someone says these words to you, ask them which of the above was their purpose for saying it.

"What's Up?"
"The amount of lives that have lost hope in this lost universe! OH THAT SOME ONE WOULD STAND UP AGAINST THE TERROR THAT IS SURMOUNTING IN OUR INSURPASSABLE--"
"K seeya!"

by livinhopie April 23, 2018

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What the goodness

A substitute for the actual swear
"what the f***" But more funnier and not get you into trouble

The guy gets punched in the face and the teacher is there


by Uran8 April 16, 2009

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whats poppin

whats good

whats poppin, its ya boy Santiago plays

by casper.da.ghost August 20, 2019

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what's the difference?

For when a straight forward answer to a yes or no question just won't do.

Often used as a form of confusion or topic diversion.

Dave: Hey we're all off out tonight, should be a blast.

John: Oh right. cool.

Dave: So, you coming out tonight then?

John: What's the difference?

by Bukk Trend February 3, 2011

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