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Ava :)

A mum

Ava's quotes:
"no, no, no"
"The dentist made me open my mouth to wide >:|"

I like to leave in the middle of the term to go on holidays - Ava :)

by Addie:) December 7, 2022

Ava Hochsman

Usually this it is assosiated with a cold place like canada but it sometimes leaves for a better place (like germany)
it is well know for its shitty jokes nobody (exeped her) laughs about
but for some reason its still likable

(can from time to time be a nice person)

man your being a real ava hochsman today

by lyypsie July 1, 2019

Ava Colindres

Ava is the sweetest gal that you'll ever meet. She is caring, loving, funny and smart. You will enjoy every second you spend with her. ILYSM ava! Any boy that dates Ava, EVER, will know that she is out of his league. Her life will be like this until she finds a man WORTHY enough of her love, which will be very difficult. Ava Colindres is the BEST

Ava Colindres is the BEST FRIEND EVER!

by No one I am February 13, 2020

ava x matt

ava will change her name to be with her lovely Matt

I want to hold u in my arms Matt and love you every night. I love Ava x matt

by Gluten free Ebola January 10, 2022

Ava lauryn

Very sexy!! Very close with her friends and family. A basic bitch when you meet her but nice when you get to know her. If you get on her bad side, you should run.

Boy 1:That girl is sexy

Boy 2:I bet she is an Ava Lauryn

by Sexysoccerbeast October 14, 2016

ava bell

ava bell is the best friend anyone could ask for. she will always be there for you and will give you good advice when she actually tries. she is gorgeous, tall, and has the most pretty eyes. I would love to be ava bell.

wow, look at ava bell over there, she’s so pretty

by la1la2la3 June 21, 2022

Ava Lillie Something

She is the hippest and coolest person you'll ever meet :D She is perfect in practically every way and is soo talented she is basically jellyfish but human and better tbh ik hard to believe but its true. You should cherish her very much and she is in love with you you are the luckiest person in the multiverse because simply put it she is lovely in every way imaginable becaause shes smart and funny and lacking a little common sense but has a reaaly lovely voice and she looks pretty and has an amazing sense of humor and has the snazziest personality so yes if you are friends with an Ava Lillie Something you are very luucky

Person a: Dude youre so cool
Person b: You mean im--looks around--an Ava Lillie Something?

by raadical raddy rad July 28, 2022