When someone has just done very well to accomplish something.
Jamie had a "Master-class" in Among Us yesterday.
when kids new to middle school add class to everything
Person 1: Oh mah god i am getting late for locker class
Person 2: I'm getting late for BATHROOM CLASS
What a rod-and-reel sportsman hasta attend for displaying an unacceptable level of maniacal rage during a lousy fishing day.
If Madea decided to try her hand at dropping a hook in da water but failed to catch much of anything worthwhile during said endeavor, she might likely become so furiously frustrated dat she'd get sentenced to angler management class.
History class is probably the only class in school I like but let's be honest 9 times out of 10 we use this class as a bed because all we do in it is sleep but like I said it is interesting but once the lights in the class go off so does people's interest in the the subject.
me:I like history class but i'm gonna sleep
random: yeah same
A term used to describe progressive, and wealthy urbanites, and other types of people cut from a similar cloth who have no common sense, and whose wealth has sheltered them from having to deal with problems, hardships, and responsibilities that most functional adults learn to deal with from a young age.
The progressives are lining their own pockets to the detriment of the country and it's citizens and running the nation into the ground in the process.
They don't realize because they are upper-class twits.
1👍 4👎
n. A military term used to describe soldiers whose civilian counterparts live in military housing rent free without anyone's acknowlegement. To use military resources without obligation or contract.
If the Commander catches you with that class c dependant in your room, its a wrap.
Today is military appreciation day at the mall. Cool, well come go to the store with me, so I can get 10% off my purchase.
A period of hardcore drinking following achieving a first class degree
Oi Jimmy, fancy a first class drinking sesh tonight?