Source Code

Clown Mouthing

When a woman comes and sprays ejaculate into the open mouth of her partner. She wins when the partner's mouth is so full that he/she must spit or swallow.

"I went down on Kali so well last night, she squirted like a fountain, so I started clown mouthing her like a carnival game. If I had a balloon on top of my head it would have popped."

by Louis Bahan February 27, 2008

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Bicycle Clown

A retarded person who doesn't use grammar.

Me: "Hey Xev, you're a bicycle clown."


by fourteeneffcali May 15, 2009

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clown hair

What old men get when most of their head is bald except some patches of hair on the sides.

Mike is a 70 year old man. He has a little grey hair on the sides but is completely bald up top. Mike has clown hair

by exxtreme_croquet September 1, 2010

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Burn The Clown

Throwing Paint on a girls vagina and lighting it on fire with a match.

Burn the clown is a crazy act.

by Venir May 26, 2011

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clown boobs

going from a small titty size to bigger than porn star boobs with one surgery and thus looking disproportional to the woman's body.

So my old high school fling who had double A's decided to get a G size boob job. I've never seen bigger clown boobs in my life!

by zxmonster September 22, 2014

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Silly Clown

When the male species interacts foolishly during an intense all-star game of softball, ususally in the minor leagues.
Originated at www.chuckynorris.com for their notorious (and self righteous) acts of holy matrimony.

"Hey Jake!"
"Shut the fuck up, Chuck Norris is pulling a silly clown."

by Count Mortimer August 9, 2003

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clown water

Noum; A form of alcoholic beverage that clowns drink before, during and after a performance that give them a glazed, drunk, stupid appearence. However Clown water does not only have to be consumed by clowns. Clown water can also be used as a synonym for any type of plain whiskey, vodka, or ale that is put into a flask, covered in some kind of paper and consumed in public.

Guy 1: Man i can't stand goin to class today.

Guy 2: dude just take some clown water to get you through

Guy 1; O Fuck i forgot! Shit yeah clown water is the SHIZZZY

by Source: Hezekiah Brockett, February 20, 2008

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