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Pretentious Dylan Lover

A person who claims to be a fan of Folk Legend Bob Dylan, but in actuality they know and like a few songs and are quite unaware of the real genius that is Dylan. They also use this love and faux knowledge of Bob Dylan to seem cool and hip in certain settings.

How a Pretentious Dylan Lover came to like Bob Dylan can be explained in a number of ways. A boy they liked could have played a Dylan song on the guitar, or they could have seen Watchmen. What ever the reason they have normally only been aware of Dylan for a few weeks and want every one to know that they know and like Bob Dylan. Bob Dylan!

A Pretentious Dylan Lover will be excited about a new Bob Dylan album, or tour, where as everyone else knows there is nothing to be excited about. A Bob Dylan song could come on the radio and a Pretentious Dylan Lover would be unaware that the song is by Bob Dylan- that is how most Pretentious Dylan Lover are in fact found out.

She doesn't really like Bob Dylan, she is just a Pretentious Dylan Lover.

by DJ Bojangles September 20, 2009

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long dick dylan

The creepy guy you know who wears obnoxiously tight pants. This is to hide the fact he secretly has a vagina, because his penis is that small. He’s also weirdly touchy feely and is known to make pedofelic insuations.

Girl: Omg I want to bang him
Long Dick Dylan: I want to bang you
Girl: You’re 25
Long Dick Dylan: And you’re 11 so what?

by sexy.beasts.and.salad July 26, 2019

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dylan patel

someone who feels extremely attracted to men and wants to kiss boys named kush. they can reguarly be called a bumlick to random teammates on warzone. they also want sex with their on mothers

youre such a dylan patel

by Fhrieiejdbjr January 26, 2021

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Wet Dylan

When you are licking someone's butthole and use the juice to give someone a wet willy

my girlfriend and I were doing a little foreplay last night, but she was being a total bitch earlier that day, so I gave her a Wet Dylan.

by pastoorlul October 31, 2018

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Dylan the racist

Dylan is extremely racist and hates other races.

dylan the racist , i hate black people
kai, same

by Badgerissupercool April 24, 2022

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dylan iffland

Large douche. Masturbates chronically and likes small round farm animals

Hey look it is dylan iffland, he has a truck with large mirrors and smells like sheep shit

by Napguy May 2, 2016

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dylan diego

A cool kid with awesome talent. However he is very horny with a shitty ass looking face. However other than that he is pretty cool

That looks like Dylan Diego

by Dylan Diego December 1, 2016

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