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Horny nigga laundry basket

Horny nigga laundry basket are niggas who get horny for a laundry baskets. they will stick their dicks in the hole of a basket

That horny nigga laundry basket is very disturbing

by Big nigga josh June 17, 2019

5๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Horny 12 year old


Michael is a horny 12 year old

by KKzogdzyrpzpazogdzyrpzpaeyapye July 24, 2018

5๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Wild horny goat weed

This is used to get a boner when a man wants to do a goat.

Where is my wild horny goat weed? I want to fuck a goat.
Dude, take some wild horny goat weed before you do that goat.

by Sharu July 5, 2011

6๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Horny Comment Nerd (H.C.N)

These are people wandering about the comment section for any word or sentence in the comment or video which when out of context sounds sexual.

If they find the word they will make multiple memes like the "sus", "๐Ÿ˜ณ", "That's what she said!" etc in the replies. They jokes are creepy in practical but are found funny or annoying by some.

They often express themselves as chad man of culture and call the people who find their jokes annoying 'nerds'. But they themselves are nerds (said by some gen z dislikers) looking for the specific requirement anywhere to make the same joke over and over again.
(Writer's opinion: these jokes are creepy and repetitive and I don't find these funny like every hecking day you check the comments you see them having a stroke "๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿคจ๐Ÿง๐Ÿฅต๐Ÿฅด๐Ÿ‘€ SuS")

In video: This is the world's longest structure!
Horny Comment Nerd (H.C.N) : That's what she said!

by YourFriendlyNeighborhoodChad August 28, 2022

horny albedo fancy font

horny albedo fancy font from discord. horny asf. easy to annoy yay

user horny albedo fancy font is so horny

by childebussycube May 3, 2021

The Second International Horny Day

December 8th is the second day where everyone has the right to feel horny no matter what other people say!They could even ask for free nudesส˜โ€ฟส˜

Guy:ayo shawty,link some feet pics
Girl:Lol why
Guy: It's the second international horny day!

by Cinnamon with Opium December 8, 2020

The Horny three of the anime community

are you a weeb/anime watcher? are you a normal member in this abnormal community?
Yes? then... you've probably discover an unholy part of this community..

The Body Pillow Community

Out of all the dating options... A Girl, A Boy, A Cardboard box, A DOG... you chose a body pillow
are you really into pillows made out of cotton? do you love fucking pillows? are you Pillowsexual? are you an Objectophile?

The Lolicons (pedophiles)

They are basically the spirit animals of EDP, they love when a child with big eyes is either bare naked or is wearing a bikini.
EW, JUST EW. why do they exist?

The hentai Community

Y'know? they deserve a separate section, so I'll simplify the meaning:
Basically, they masturbate over a anime-styled sex comic, some of them hate the ugly bastard genre cause it resembles them

I have no quotes for this one, so wait for the "separate section"

So if you were in one of these communities... go outside, shower for once, and watch the sun (not directly)
I don't really give a single fuck about the Hentai community, still go outside.

and if you're a lolicon, please go inside a solitary confinement.

Excuses of The Horny three of the anime community

"I don't need a gf" yes, you don't need one, but there's one thing you really need... it's Therapy.
ya see this quote? It's the most common excuse those "people" use to cuddle a softbody solid object.

"But, shesh 8000 years old" What if you, a 35 year old fat bitch, met the child looking "8000 year old" magical girl, and then kissed in public, that sorry excuse ain't gonna save your ass from the 2000V Chair.
"she's a goddess"
"But she's legal" You REALLY like Jail, You want to stick your weewee into a child's spot cause she's "Legal".

by Lictionary August 21, 2022