person 1-whys that woman yelling at those kids.
person 2-probably menopause.
person 3-nah man shes going through her pre-death crisis.
Pronounced (Noun/Verb - preSHər )
The opposite of peer pressure, being the resistance, standing out. Standing above the bar of normality.
Term coined by Chuck Paradi$e
I am Big Pre$$ure.
Apply Pre$$ure.
That outfit is Pre$$ure.
No Pre$$ure at all.
the state of advanced self loathing one experiences before a night out on 'shame' aka Mcat.
"Dude, I'm feeling some serious pre-shame right now..... I'm getting fucked up on Mcat later"
adj. a feeling that occurs when individuals know they are about to commit acts that will ultimately result in feelings of utter shame
I feel so much pre-shame right now because I'm about to hookup with a random stranger from the internet who said they have a latex balloon fetish.
To be revolted by a future gross event
Thinkin about cleaning under the fridge got me feelin pre-sgusted ngl
To grab, buy, or do something before it is necessary to do it in order to prevent having to do it in the future — just in case it would be necessary to grab, buy, or do it later.
Imma pre jack that PS5 a month before Christmas, in case they sell out at that time.
Where you do something for someone without being asked, and then try to throw it back in their face by demanding either payment or an unreasonable favor in return.
Two classic examples of shameless "pre-favoring" are:
(1) Offering to buy a girl lunch and then afterwards pressuring her to have sex with you --- or at least allow you to touch her intimately --- in return.
(2) Voluntarily performing some household chore like sweeping or snow-shovelling, and then telling the homeowner that he is now obligated to either give you cash or buy you a pack of cigarettes as payment for your labors.