When a girl has big tits and one points it out to their friend
Kevin: Woah man, look at the cutters on that hog they’re ginormous!
John: Yeah man, they are something.
When filthy fucks have their hands in their ass, digging in their nose and playing with themselves they end up with hog paws
God! Hog paws has her hands in her ass again
When you’re so fucked up you are squealing and running around like a feral hog.
Dude, Barry got so hog-plastered, we had to wrangle and hog tie him in the bathroom.
Someone obsessed with Raid Progress, to the exclusion of all other social hangouts.
Especially apt term for someone who is obsessed despite often having a miserable time.
Keeyn's such a Prog Hog, they are suffering through another hour of this raid before they come hang with the gang.
A stand-in penis used for a celebrity in a nude scene.
Did you hear about Willem Dafoe using a stunt hog in "Antichrist?" Apparently his hog was too big for Lars von Trier's vision, so they hired a stand in to make it more realistic.