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sarah palin

the only half-way interesting thing about john mccain's whole campaign.

No one cares about mccain, just sarah palin.

by dirtbikechick October 4, 2008

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sarah price

a girl that cares about no one but herself is selfish makes her bestfreinds cry and is racist, oh and looks like a lost puppy you dont want

"I hate Sarah Price"
" me too why do you hate her tho"
" Oh bc shes a racist lier"
" I know I hate her

by Ashley Rain October 16, 2010

21๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sarah Bravo


"Hi I'm _____ and I love _____"
"Brain switch!"
"Feed a fever, starve a cold, lightly sup with rickets!"

~Sarah "Sarah Bravo!!!" Bravo

There aren't many examples. There is only one Sarah Bravo.

by The Games Master May 5, 2009

6๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


slut. hoe. hobo. gay.
that's about it tbh. :/

she likes taking Jacob Hope's clothes though... which is cool ;D <3

Peter: Is that jacob?!

Jamie: no... it's just a Sarah-Kay in his clothes again... what a slutty hobo :/

by JACOB"HOPE" October 26, 2010

9๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž


Usually hides behind makeup. She seems nice at first, but then becomes a huge bitch. She is selfish and only thinks about herself. Don't become a Sarah

"Oh my god what a bitch."
"No what a Sarah"

by I am a turtle ninja February 4, 2018

1๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sarah Palin

1)A dumb down version of Ann Coulter for the uneducated blue blooded american whom conservatives think is intelligent simply because she can speak of unoriginal conservative priniciples without using big words to confuse her dumb audience.

2) The cross between intolerance and stupidy

3) A woman who could be sexy if she'd shut her mouth

"I can see Russia from my backyard," Sarah Palin explaining her experience with foreign policy

by jersey insider June 9, 2011

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Wee Sarah

Wee Sarah is a smaller, panda version of a Sarah. Wee Sarahs are generally similar in snuggliness to Sarahs and are often used as a temporary replacement when a Sarah is not available.

Wee Sarah is my favourite panda ever and is nice and snuggly.

by Neldo January 7, 2010

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