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Waffle Batter

During oral inter coarse, when a male ejaculates into a females mouth then she throws up and spits it out then sucks it up and swishes it around in her mouth then swallows it. The fluid created is waffle batter.

My girlfriend made that waffle batter last night. It was pretty nasty but she kept sucking it back up!

by Big baller 2000 November 13, 2015

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waffle butting

the act of a prisoner in jail pushing his/her butt against the fence so that the male on the other side can have sex with him/her and the imprint of the fence is left on their butt looking like a waffle.

how did your day go in the yard today deebo?

"good...me and one of the girls from the sister prison had a good waffle butting session."

by moosenuk February 22, 2009

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waffle around

to be indecisive. Can't make up mind.

Jenny first said she wanted to go to Denny's then changed her mind to IHOP. I told that bitch "You waffle around too much. Make up your fucking mind you stupid cunt!"

by Dj Diddle November 19, 2013

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Haunted Waffle

To have vaginal sex. Simple, yes? Well, after about 6 pumps (being the male of course), you shove 4 sticks of dynamite up the woman's vagina. You threated to light them unless given what you want. You then force her on to the roof of a semi, and staple her feet to it while she is standing up. Next, you drive down the highway at approximately 75mph and drive under a bridge that is indeed taller than your semi, but shorter than your semi plus the woman. After the bridge, you insert your ballsack into her decapitated head and wear it around town. You will most likely end up starting a new trend, so you might as well love it now, for in a few months, all the new hipsters will be doing the same thing.

***NOTE: The female population may see a drastic drop.

Hipster: I liked Haunted Waffles before they were mainstream.

by Woobiefuck April 28, 2011

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Dick Waffle

The act of Masturbating with lotion, then immediately eating a frozen waffle with your hand that you were J.O.ing with.

Last night after masturbating i was really hungry, so I got a Dick Waffle.

by Dick Spears April 19, 2011

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Crotch Waffle

A crusty pair of underwear, caused by discharge drying onto them. Usually used to insult an idiot.

"WTF, you crotch waffle, stop hitting on my sister."
"That crotch waffle kept rubbing his junk on the women at the bar."

by MuddledFox September 26, 2008

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twat waffle

a girl or woman who has an over active sex life and may or may not have a "smashed" vagina; classic high school mat-maid; total slam piece, Ashley B!

what a nasty twat waffle

by dirtnastyOSU December 14, 2010

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