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National hang out with your friends day

National hang out with your friends day starts in February 28 that means you can do anything fun

Beavis: hey Stewart it's fabuary 28
Stewart: ok.....and. I'm still miserable from Jessie denying me on valentines day
Beavis: that means it's national hang out with your friends day
Stewart:oh damn I didn't know wanna go to the fair or the movies today
Beavis: sure

by Ilovebrabdon23567 February 4, 2023

Afghani pull-out

When having sex with a stripper and you pull out, but the act still results in pregnancy

My buddy Hunter did an Afghani pull-out and now he is a baby daddy.

by Eurloch August 18, 2021

preached out

An unsolicited message explaining your error and the consequences of said error.

The help desk preached out to me about my support ticket.

by ALitteBitOfBitter May 6, 2020

I've got charm comin' out of my ass

An expression used by a charming/cute human being, of course i'm not talking about YOU (the reader of this post)

Person 1: "So... Have you asked that girl out yet?"
Not the reader: "Yeah, and she said yes!"
Not the reader: "What can I say? I've got charm comin' out of my ass"

by Honestly_iForgor July 6, 2023

when in doubt, pull out

It is to pull out when one is in doubt of a current situation. Contrary to popular belief this was developed by a matric student in 2017.

Man my pull out game is strong. He told me: when in doubt, pull out

by koevoetlol November 15, 2017

Taking Out The Kids

An ominous text you get from someone: could be talking about murder, could be talking about fast food.

"Linda, I'm taking out the kids. They earned it."

by asdfghjkl0345 May 28, 2019

fried out

The delirious, tired (temporary)state someone is in when they are starting to come down from their marijuana high; they usually still look and feel high. They act sluggish and burnt.
Someone can be permanently fried out if they have smoked too much or taken too many drugs in their lifetime and are permanently chilled out, slow, spacey, and burnt. A.K.A "Perma-fried"

Homie 1: Are you high?
Homie 2: Not anymore, I'm just really fried out.

Homegirl 1: Do you wanna go out tonight?
Homegirl 2: Nah, I'm too fried, I have no energy.

I saw Billy for the first time in 2 years and he is really fried out, he couldn't even carry on an intelligent conversation.

by weedfairy April 6, 2016