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No W

Worse then no u and will fucking destroy everyone and everything in your path

Jack: ur mum gay
Bob: no u
Jack: NO W
Everything: *fucking dies*

by Fuckingdies May 26, 2018

no w

The definite and set-in-stone counter argument to no u

A: "You're mum gaye"
B: "no u"
A: "no w"
B: gets fucking annihilated to death and beyond

by Marwyn April 22, 2018

no w

the ultimate comeback to "no u". The way the letter w is pronounced sounds like "double u" so saying no w in response to no u gives an almost instant win

Jarold II: your gay
Jarold I: no u
Jarold II: no w

Jarold I: mr stark im not feeling so good.

by montagoose July 23, 2019

No W

Can only be used if no u is used first. Nothing can block it.

Level 100 Boss: Nigga you gay
Level 1 Gay Nibba: Lmao no u xd
Level 100 Boss: I ain't playin no games nigga
Level 1 Gay Nibba: Lol triggered?
Level 100 Boss: No w
Level 1 Gay Nibba: *dies*

by BlueCatMage65 February 13, 2019

no W

no W is what you say when you say ur mom gay then they say no u then you say no W

frank: ur mom gay
steve: no u
frank: no W
steve: *explodes*

by the_yelwess May 30, 2018


a :3 version of being either 1. horny or 2. doozy. usually associated with furries


Dave: ~w~ you are so hot today~
Rachel: thanks! :)


John: how are you? :3
Steve: i just woke up ~w~

by therysnergamer July 30, 2023


;w Something a bitch would use in a sentence when they are in the prosses of flirting with someone In a game were u can talk to other players, also known as online dating. Mostly common in Roblox


;w hey cutie

by Impartofthesovietunion April 24, 2020