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ADHD-ay out

Typically describes anyone or possibly an animal partaking in walking around in no specific order in Wich they often do not pay attention to someone who may be trying to get their attention

Father: hey! Charlie!! Get over here your mother's going into labor!
Charlie: yo wait this mf has croissants?!
Mother: *currently in labor* ah shit, he's having an ADHD-ay out he's not gonna pay attention to sh-HOLY SHIT THAT H-H-HURTS WHY AM I HAVING ANOTHER CHILD

by Etc_wolf May 4, 2019

national give a dollar to a ADHD person

On sep 24 ever non adhd person must give payment to ever adhd person they know. Due to the ableism throughout years this is a way to compassionate adhd people for all the years ableism.

“Here’s a dollors! Sorry for all the ableism all those years! Happy national give a dollar to a ADHD person ”

by dr.Michalka September 24, 2022

ADHD, aka Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

"Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurological brain disorder that manifests as a persistent pattern of inattention and/or hyperactivity/impulsivity that is more frequent and severe than is typically observed in individuals at a comparable level of development. ADHD begins in childhood, and as has only recently been understood, can persist into adulthood as well. While some children outgrow ADHD, about 60% continue to have symptoms into adulthood. The disorder manifests differently in adults as hyperactivity tends to diminish." (www.adhd.com, 2007)

I really hope this information debunks the mythical "definitions" of ADHD, aka Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, out there. This information is reliable, fact-based, and referenced. Degrading self-righteous opinions and narrow-minded assumptions are not included in this text.

It is believed that ADHD is a highly genetic disorder. Approximately 35 percent of parents of children with ADHD have the disorder themselves. It's also not uncommon to discover that other people in the family (siblings, aunts, and/or uncles) also have ADHD. Interestingly, many parents only come to learn about their own ADHD once their child has been diagnosed. This may explain a lifetime of frustrations and prompt them to get help. (www.adhd.com, 2007)

Fiction vs. Facts

All children with ADHD eventually "outgrow" it.

About 60% of children diagnosed with ADHD continue to exhibit symptoms as adults.

ADHD is not a medical condition.

It is a medical condition, linked to a chemical imbalance in the brain. It is officially recognized by leading medical experts and institutions, including the U.S. Surgeon General, the American Psychiatric Association, and others.

Bad parenting is responsible for ADHD.

The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) states that scientists are finding more and more evidence that ADHD does not stem from home environment, but from biological causes.

People with ADHD always have problems paying attention.

Sometimes people with ADHD hyper-focus. They focus on one thing and ignore all else around them.

ADHD affects more males than females.

As children, the male to female ratio is 4:1, as females are often underdiagnosed. Among adults, almost as many women as men seek treatment.

ADHD can only be treated with medications.

The NIMH Multimodal Treatment Study for Children with ADHD (MTA Study) studied nearly 600 elementary school children and concluded that the most effective treatments were a closely monitored medication treatment and a treatment that combines behavioral therapy and medication.

by A mother advocate of a wonderful ADHD child July 10, 2007

34👍 17👎

ADHD - A Drinking Game

ADHD Drinking game- Gather people around a table, as you would in zoomie zoomie. One person starts off the game as the ( Adderal ), tapping the table vigorously as the rest of the people follow suit. ( Adderal ) then does a random gesture then points to another player while the tapping of the table continues. The next player that ( Adderal ) points to will then do the gesture that ( Adderal ) did and pass it to another random player. The process is stacked and will continue until someone fucks up. Once someone fucks up, that person drinks while everyone else around the table sings " Asshole...Dick...Hand job...Drink!!" The game after that will continue with a new (Adderal). Anyone who volunteers to butt chug can overturn/add any rule they want.

Wanna get fucked up? Yeah let's play ADHD - A Drinking Game

by ADHD Master April 28, 2018

ADHD Insomnia

Acondition wherein one attempts sleep, but does not, due to distraction.
Unlike insomnia because insomnia is an inability to fall asleep due to numerous physiological or psychological reasons.
Whereas, with ADHD Insomnia, the mind becomes distracted and basically forgets to fall asleep.

"Sorry I'm sluggish today at work, Boss. Last night I had a conversation where someone asked me if sable was a dog or a cat, and it triggered a case of ADHD Insomnia. That led to asking google questions which lept distracting me. I still don't know if a sable is a dog or a cat...but I did discover this freaky gut in Norway who sings a great cover of Sultans Of Swing."

by Uncle McFlirty October 30, 2023


1. An assumption that somebody has ADHD or chronic mental illnesses that have hyperactivity/tasks taking to long to complete.
2. Somebody that has ADHD or chronic mental illnesses that have hyperactivity/tasks taking to long to complete.

Angel: Why is Tom so manic about his emotions?
Eric: I think he's adhd+

by tbh.hello.lol August 22, 2024

adhd watching

When you're watching a show but you have adhd & can't focus so you do other stuff with the show in the bg

me adhd watching The Simple Life by typing this

by Superjuliam May 20, 2023