Source Code

double triple bossy deluxe, on a raft, four by four animal style, extra shingles with a shimmy and a squeeze, light axle grease, make it cry, burn it, and let it swim

Bubble Bass's order

"I'll take a double triple bossy deluxe, on a raft, four by four animal style, extra shingles with a shimmy and a squeeze, light axle grease, make it cry, burn it, and let it swim."
"We serve FOOD here, sir."

by GeneralChimp August 26, 2017

14👍 2👎

axle rose

The singer of GUNS 'N' ROSES, the best band to ever grace the Earth. Has an amazing variety of voice tones. Woman love him,

now he is a fat-ass bitch but he was amazing.

He sings so good, almost as good as Axle Rose

by the truthful one 23 December 3, 2017

axl rose

an absolute asshole

bro fuck that guy he's an axl rose

by lysergic acid enjoyer October 12, 2023

axl rose

axl rose is the singer of guns and roses and sounds like he is getting fucked by a cell-mate in prison he sucks at singing but the other musicians in guns and roses are ok but there songs are way too famous and overplayed so if you hear a guy screaming in a song there is a 50 percent its guns and roses and 50 percent its korn

guy.1 who is the singer screaming

guy.2 its axl rose
guy.1 oh

by creammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm March 28, 2022

Axl Rose

The anagram of oral sex

Do you know Trump's favourite is Axl Rose

by 14yearsofmasturbation March 12, 2024

greasy axle

a sweaty arse crack,

fuck its so hot ive got a greasy axle,

by harrydare April 30, 2012

Wrapped round the axle

The state one finds oneself in after a prolonged bender or an extended state of inebriation. Can also describe the act of becoming intoxicated, inebriated, high, turnt, tanked, or wrecked, especially after a period of abstinence or sobriety. Used similarly to the phrase "Three sheets to the wind". It denotes that one hasn't just fallen off "the wagon", but has in fact gone under the wheels and subsequently wrapped round the axle.

Hey Jack, I thought you were off the sauce? Looks like you've been getting wrapped round the axle again.

Man, I must have blacked out last night, I haven't haven't gotten that fucked up since last mardi gras, I really got wrapped around the axle *vomit*

Yo, Mark, wanna come by for Forties and blunts? Fuckin A we're getting wrapped round the axle tonight boooooi

I'm higher than Cooter Brown, two more hits and I'ma be axle wrapped.

by Haluci-N8 November 21, 2019