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Grateful Pull Game

A pull game full of bangers and a heater sellout prize! 🔥

This Grateful Pull Game is BUSSIN!

by GratefulGaming January 26, 2024


A group date: a social or romantic gathering between not just 2 parties but up to 5 parties.

Dudeeee I’m trying to date her but I had to settle for a Grate with her friends.

by T-Bonnnneeeeeee September 21, 2020


Jeff from sigorney park in hartford was Inspired by the Grate LuchdaGod to create the word Grate.

Whats good Grate!
Where my Grate Luch at?
Worda da Grates Luch get money !

by November 16, 2020


Jeff from sigorney park in hartford was Inspired by the Grate LuchdaGod to create the word Grate.

Whats good Grate!
Where my Grate Luch at?
Worda da Grates Luch get money !

by November 16, 2020

Cheese grate

When someone uses too much teeth when giving a blowjob, thus “cheese grating” the victim’s penis

“I’ve never gotten worse head than when that freaky girl in 11th grade cheese grated me in the back of AP Lit

by ausdeb June 19, 2021

Grating the cheese

The act of scratching your dandruff-infested scalp, making a ton of dandruff flakes fall out

Person 1: Man, that guy's really grating the cheese
Person 2: Yeah, pretty disgusting

by That_One_Fellow June 26, 2024

Grating the cheese

When one emits a fart that sounds choppy and disconnected.

random guy: blup. blup. blup. blup.blup.blup.blupblupblupblup.

random girl: (to friend) eew! did you just here that guy?!?!?!?! he was totally grating the cheese!

by SirGawinisaballetphreek May 2, 2010