Easily one of the best dog breeds, it is known for their cute floppy ears and iconic “aroo!” sound. While loud, they’re also very lovable and love playing and cuddling. All of them are good boys (or girls).
Person 1: what’s your favorite dog breed?
Person 2: the beagle!
Person 1: why?
Person 2: AROOOOOOOOOOOOOO. That’s beagle for “they’re so cute and cuddly and playful and funny!” Well, aroo can mean just about anything depending on the beagle and the context. Really though, beagles are perfect
Person 1: wow, beagles are amazing! Aroooo!
I person who responds to emotions and/or stress by eating (or overeating).
Sorry, I finished the cheesecake. You know I am a Beagle.
The best dog for a single gay man.
Hey I had a tough breakup with my last bf, you should get a beagle