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Black Hole Video

Link to a video that is no longer available or not able to be accessed for any number of reasons. (Wrong URL, removed by provider, copyright infringement,etc.)

Ironically, the example can't contain links...so when I tried to submit this to Urban Dictionary it brought me back to the submit page with "Example can't contain links" in bold orange text. I would call this a Black Hole Submission Page if I were to try to keep uploading an example of a Black Hole Video.......

by Hank Plow February 28, 2012

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men in black holes

a cheap porno movie that is a spoof of men in black and features gay black men.

man, i was renting porno movies and came across Men in BLack Holes! YUCk!

by kiaser from california January 1, 2005

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black hole of marriage

From a singles perspective, it's where all you newly married friends go. If they do fall into the event horizon, they may never be seen again. However, if they are like a rare quasar jet, they may appear at a later time...wanting to hang out all the time.

Man, I haven't seen Jeff since he got married. He must be in the black hole of marriage.

by what the? August 24, 2006

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black hole of calcutta

a dark place

Somebody put on a light, its like the black hole of Calcutta in 'ere

by mesh606 March 8, 2004

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Black Hole

Redfern (Sydney, Australia)

"You live in THE Black Hole?!?!?"

by vladdenz. January 26, 2008

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black hole pussy

A large gapping,musty ass puss(also referred to as a Morgan)

That chick has a black hole pussy

by Black hole pussy December 14, 2016

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black hole (space)

after a massive star explodes it becomes a black hole

it is the most powerful thing in the freakin universe you just cant escape him

I wont talk of hypermassive black holes cuz I can.
short version they are more big than the galaxy

A: i hope our sun never become a black hole (space)
B:yea i will not allow that I will lose my beach!

by springroberto2020 January 10, 2022