Someone that likes things that light up, especially things that give off heat or warmth, not because the Reptilian boy girl is a source of light himself/herself (actually quite the opposite) but because the Reptilian boy girl thinks of it as a heat lamp or UV light, something to heat the blood up.
The Reptilian boy girl was always trying to bask under someone else's UV light or heat lamp and not in anyone's shadow.
Something a stork leaves a family with.
It's a Reptilian boy girl, what the fuck is it?
An effeminate male reptilian, or a female reptilian with a boyish charm and haircut.
The male reptilian boy girl was an effeminate gangster, and the female reptilian boy girl wore a hat backwards over her shaved head. Both kinds of reptilian boy girls would were the kinds of people who would get tattoos so nobody would mess with them, and always brag about how evil and badass they were.
Controversial *ss people who always fight about gender. Bully people to the point they commit suicide and then when they die they act blind. Instead of teaching someone or trying to make them a better person they just ruin their life and make it physically impossible for them to lead a life, get a job, and will ultimately get bullied often. The boys and the girls will act like it's cool to be inhumane.
I do it for the boys/the girls.
The girls are more superior than you all, #KillAllMen.
She's like all other girls... I only live for the boys.
Built: Male, more superior than the girls.
the amount of boys vs the amount of girls in your class
james:whats ur boy to girl ratio
matt:12:16 (12 boys 16 girls)
matt: what about you
james: im in a all boys class :c
When a white boy is in a very healthy relationship with one or more women at the same time.
Also when a white boy has unspoken rizz and doesn’t need to do anything for it.
Person 1: He is kissing multiple girls at once, all the girls love him.
Person 2: “White boy got girls!”
Not to be confused with a tomboy, a boy girl is excessively masculine in bearing, in the way a male boy girl is excessively effeminate. Both a male boy girl and a female boy girl could be reptilian.
His eldest child Abella was a tomboy, but his youngest Caindace was a boy girl.