December 6th is the national have sex with your bf day!! Have fun ;)
"Hey bro, are you having sex with ur gf today?"
"Well she needs to, it's National have sex with your boyfriend day!"
Got a girlfriend/boyfriend?
Fuck them on this very special day!
Person 1:Hey dude guess what.
Person 2:What?
Person 1:It's National Fuck Your Girlfriend/Boyfriend Day
Suck your boyfriends dick day is a holiday where you have to suck your boyfriends dick. The holiday is on the 31st of January
"Did you hear its Suck your boyfriends dick day?" "no?" "better do it fast then"
This day you got to kiss your boyfriend. It is on the 14th or December
Gf: kisses bf randomly.
Bf: oh it is kiss your boyfriend day isn't it?
National Boyfriend Day is April 19. This is a day to show appreciation your boyfriend and make him feel special. Love him by really showing how much you love him.
Happy national give your boyfriend head day baby, now come over here.
October 30th is National give your boyfriend a gift day. No matter what on this day you have to show your love and affection by getting your boyfriend a gift.
“OMG it’s national give your boyfriend a gift day I need to go get him a gift!”
Have a boyfriend? Kiss him on May 7th. May 7th is National kiss your boyfriend day so celebrate.
Can we kiss?
Wait until May 7th, that’s National Kiss Your Boyfriend Day