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Closet Brony

A Brony that hasnt yet admitted to their family that they watch the show.

Closet Brony:I lock my door and watch MLP:FIM

by SploogeTheFish September 19, 2011

73๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

brony troller

One who goes to "My Little Pony" Forum websites and trolls the men and boys who are chatting about it.

Troller: You guys like slippery things up your ass.
Brony: Yeah, so!!!
Admin: Troller , you have been banned, forever.
Admin: A Brony Troller is not accepted on these forums.

by Definition Nigga May 1, 2016

18๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Brony Nazi

A person who is obsessed with My Little Pony and tries to force others to view pictures or watch a video of the show with the intention of converting them into bronies, his/her so-called "duty." Usually engages in war against critics and anti-bronies and forgets to "love and tolerate" them.

Brony nazis are mostly responsible for flaming chatrooms and spamming image boards on topics relating to MLP, especially where such topics are undesired. Generally, they are more aggressive than hardcore bronies by going far beyond than simply proclaiming that they love the show. This generates annoyance in non-bronies and rather than making them convert into bronies, actually delays such conversion instead. As a result, brony nazis often fail to accomplish their "duty."

Brony nazis who support a certain generation of MLP display hatred against the other generations of the show. This is most common for those who only like the G4 MLP:FiM. Because of this, many videos of G1, G3, and G3.5 on YouTube have a staggering ratio of dislikes:likes, with satire and ridicule filling up the comments.

In a sense, brony nazis are anti-non-bronies, misusing the Elements of Harmony for mankind.

Keep in mind that not all bronies are brony nazis, but beware of those who are. As a rule of thumb, avoid talking to them and people who are potentially brony nazis to save you many nights of headaches.

1. (actual comments on YouTube)
Me: Oh hey look, a G3 related video on the right... >_>
G4 Brony Nazi: BURN IT WITH FIRE!!!
Me: Hey! Love and tolerate! D:

2. Brony: OMG, MLP:FiM is SO AWESOME! /)^3^(\
Person: Dude, chill. It's just a cartoon. What's the big deal?
Brony: The big deal? (starts posting pony pictures)
Person: No! I shan't succumb to such faggotry!
Person: Oh shit, a brony nazi! (leaves chatroom)

by HyperPonyGBX5 November 12, 2011

225๐Ÿ‘ 57๐Ÿ‘Ž

Anti Brony

People who are against the male fans or "bronies" of My Little Pony. Like bronies, these people can be put into two categories.

1. The homophobic anti brony.
These people hate the fanbase because they believe the show should only be for little girls and bash upon anyone who likes it for being "gay" "autistic" and that's not even the worst of their insults. When it comes to intelligence, they are no different from the rabid bronies, and should not be taken seriously.

2. The real anti bronies
I'm in this group. These people have no problem with the show. Their problem lies with the immature fanbase of it. They hate most bronies due to them shoving the show to our faces, and hating us for any sliver amount of negativity we put on their 'work of art.' That's downright hypocritical since they always tell us to ignore when we see our favourite pages being spammed by ponies. Look, bronies, we never said you can't watch the show. We're glad that people are watching different shows as it creates diversity, but that doesn't mean you can be such attention seeking trolls.

Types of Anti Brony
1. Omg dis showz gayz n any1 woo liekz it iz gay. Wach men stuf u faggotts!!1!1!1!one!

2. Can you bronies grow up? Why can't you take our opinion, for fuck sake? We don't like the show, okay? It doesn't mean we hate you for liking it. And god, stop spamming us!

by Niggaball February 28, 2015

172๐Ÿ‘ 44๐Ÿ‘Ž

casual brony

A genetic life form that enjoys watching the televised show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. This life form simply watches the program but does not engage in any further "brony"-related activity and therefore is referred to as a casual.

Jonathan enjoys drawing pictures of Rainbow Dash. He is a brony.
William does not, but he does like to watch the show in which Rainbow Dash originated. He is a casual brony.

by Casual Brony August 2, 2012

11๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

corpulent brony

A very fat brony analyst who makes some pretty sweet ass YouTube videos . His obese size is second only to his fat stacks of cash. His autism levels are medium, and is only annoying in large doses.

Did you see the latest video from Corpulent Brony?
I did, man that ponyfag sure is fat!

by Corpulent Brony November 3, 2014

13๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

bronie madoff

The Wall Street, suit and tie bro who has an entry level position at a mid level brokerage firm. Gladly offers his services to his upwardly brobile broskies. Often pitches woo to soft headed women about his brobility to make 100 grand in a week. Know for completely crediting himself as helping the head honchos at his brokerage firm brorchestrate a brostile takeover of Goldman Sachs.

Le'Bro James: Sweet! GE just went up by 5 points today, along with Procter & Gamble. I gotta thank Bronie Madoff for getting me into stock markets. I'm making mad paper!

Bro Diddley: Hell yes!

by Define Me! October 24, 2009

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