Celine is a girl, she is a little bit under average in everything. Although she is not that good looking herself, she got a really hot sister. She do gymnastics but she cant do a backflip.
The bitchiest person ever. Will break up with your friend two times for the same exact reason but is so manipulative that your friend still wants to get back together with her. For reference look at Wilbur from Charlotte’s web.
Me “So did you break up with Celine?”
Bob “Yea. I wish she didn’t tho. I still love her.”
Me “Ur in 8th grade ur just horny and she’s a manipulative bitch. Don’t get back with her.”
Bob “But she’s a girl.”
This girl is usually beautiful and very trustworthy.She also would make a great relationship with a man called Farhad.
Man,Celine is so beautiful
In know but she’s with Farhad right?
This girl is usually beautiful and very trustworthy.She also would make a great relationship with a man called Farhad.
Man,Celine is so beautiful
In know but she’s with Farhad right?
Celine is a beautiful person but a fake friend. She will act WAY different around u. If shes ur BFF then it would be sad for u because she will hang out with other people and not u most of the times.(but not like Celine Dion cuz she is perfect).
Good luck with Celine.
A very beautiful and intelligent well behaved young lady. Wanted by both genders.
Celine is my first and only crush.