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An alternative pronunciation of the vulgar term "sh*t,' popularized by illegal immigrants and migrants.

Jo' mang, ju ain't got to take no chit from offa no one!

by Big Ron the Skitzo January 10, 2019


An offfensive slurr used in 19th and early 20th century Europe to refer to a woman of low standing or amoral actions

"Dear God, he's fallen in love with the chit."

by Just_Another_Rebel February 12, 2017


A unit of shittiness. First used by Kevin Sing, introduced by Greg Dutcher, and popularized by Joey Cuda, this word has become part of the everyday lexicon of TJ students. A person who is "chitty" often exhibits the following qualities:

1. Cheating on homework
2. Going out with younger students
3. Constantly asking for help with homework
4. Calling someone you don't know to find out what is on an upcoming test (see "Pulling an Ashwin")
5. Cheating on tests or quizzes by getting friends to grade them (mutual agreement to grade easily)
6. Insulting someone online and then apologizing in real life because you don't want to get beat up (See jcuda v. hzhang)

Chit almost always has a negative connotation.

Paul S: "Ahh, chitting around..."
Greg D: "..."
Andrew K: "..."

"Yo whats on the test tomorrow"
"Do I know you?"

by hoostro October 25, 2006


a word to be used in place of ‘shit’ usually when around family or in church

aw chit i dropped my phone

by panicboi420 May 23, 2019


To chit is to be in a conversation you don’t want to be a part of because you don’t feel like talking.

Ugh I walked in the door and got stuck chitting with my roommates

by December 9, 2021

young chit

Youngsta, baby g, young thug

Young chit, bitch I been on my own

by Luvnmystyle October 10, 2023