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Claudé | Claude

A unisex persons name for a wonderful person.
Persons with this name are Strong and well minded, they are kind but also scary, but sometimes really Lazy.

Claudé | Claude is Lazy again.

by SL-Eve November 21, 2021


When someone creates an elaborate public performance to ask you to be "just friends"

I got clauded at assembly when Rhianna descended from the rafters and asked a series of questions until I was the last one standing. She then asked me to prom but said we'd only be going as friends.

by Lincoln's love history tour February 13, 2023

The Claud

the act of excreting via flatulent in one's pants, then fornicating with an unknowing extremely unlucky partner. After completing copulation one throws one's soiled underpants in the face of the unfortunate victim and exclaims "You just got Clauded, bitch!".

Jack Worden: Dude, guess what surprise present I got my girlfriend for her birthday.

Don Claud: Did you give her the shartshow special?


Jack Worden: Yeah man, that bitch felt the wrath of the Claud!

(the two embrace and the the celebratory bro handshake ritual occurs)

by the hood rat September 4, 2011