Source Code

Steve from blues clues

Steve is the creator of everything and is the gods among gods. Shaggy is a person he made for his purposes the One above all is a puppet he uses for he is a unknown being nothing is on his level his physical strength can overpower anything he is also know and “everything”

Steve from blues clues is the creator .”

“Steve form blues clues is unbeatable.”

by October 27, 2020

Flooz Clues

And epic gamer friends with @Not_Keebler

Wow that epuc gamer flooz clues is epic

by Flooz clues March 31, 2019

Donut Clue

When making a selection from an unknown set of donuts, look for a doughnut clue such as fruit or cream. Such clue will be on the side of the donut

Yo! What kind of donut is this?

“Look for a donut clue on the side

by RobR11 March 2, 2018