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conner is a nasty little bitch

he has no personality whatsoever and thinks that his jokes are "edgy" and "dark" but they're not.

they're just fucking annoying
you fucking little gay shit stop looking up your name

just shut up and go away

just stay away from any conner you meet.

by eatmyasswithaspoon October 24, 2019

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gay guy who has a bf named keith. has never had a kids longer than 7 seconds. only crushes on foreign girls, post-lydia

conner: β€œcan I use the bathroom”
teacher: β€œsure!”
friends: β€œomg he is such a conner, going to meet keith again!!!

by chocolatelover318 February 21, 2018

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is absolutely whipped by a specific girl who is a downright slut they sleep in each others beds and do god knows what

conner is a whipped dickhead

by mitchellbrown May 14, 2018

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the conner

Dumb asshole

This dude is the Conner

by Hshsjesgsuhebsb July 25, 2017

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A person that somehow is cute and loving at times otherwise has anger issues and does not like sharing there emotions at all, can't really trust them with that many things.

"Oh that little conner hes a little rascal isn't he". "Yep"

by Bob.mikelton June 19, 2018

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a ginger with an attitude.

conner is a bitch

by hellokittyducks September 4, 2020

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kurtis conner

amazing dude who will always make people laugh. a genuinely good-hearted dude who has the best words to say in all his videos, even since vine. overall, kurtis, hes a rlly nice dude and everyone should go subscribe to kurtis conner.

person a: hey have you seen kurtis conner's new video
person b: ye ye ofc he's the best

by yeehaw6699 May 16, 2019

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