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life contraction

The use of movies, TV, or books, referencing a specific character and scene, which can be used as a detailed example of what is being described. The use of life contractions can significantly expand the description of a particular situation without the need to explain the details. Making the conversation more involved with less spoken words.

Examples of a life contractions:

He stated, "I will beat you like what 'The Hulk' did to 'Thor'."

She said, "I wanna do some things from 'Fifty Shades of Gray'."

"It felt like the last cannonball 'Homer' took in the guts."

by it_only_took_5 December 23, 2018

Plumbing Contract

When a woman wants you to lay some pipe, to the exclusion of all others. Contingent on you getting the job done in a satisfactory fashion.

We've been fucking the last couple weeks and she loves how I get it done. I've officially got her Plumbing Contract.

by Dave a Klein April 6, 2022

Exploitative Contracts

Did I release you guys from exploitative contracts and you guys sat their and left me in a cage!? WOW GUYS! THAT! That is messed up!

Hym "I wonder if... These clowns are getting out of exploitative contracts because of me and then cutting me out of it... Because that's a possibility... Wait! Am I the Jack!? I'm either the Jack or the Chuck... Hmmm... Either way! YOU LEFT ME IN A CAGE YOU ASSHOLES! I'M STILL THERE! NOW! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? Bad! Bad heralds of galactus... You guys are not setting up the planet for my consumption..."

by Hym Iam August 25, 2023

Randy has annuled collins marriage contract

Randy has annulled collins marriage contract

Randy has annuled collins marriage contract

by Real Alberto June 1, 2022

Nigga contract

A nigga contract is a casual but formal contract that is used in rare occasions when both parties are in a major disagreement, The purpose of a nigga contract is to solve the disagreement by providing mutual benefits which both parties agree of. The nigga contract can be created vocally or trough writing. Breaking a nigga contract can cause heavy consequences.

Mike: Why did you quit Dark souls?
Milan: its boring, why did you quit fallout 76?
Mike: this matter can only be solved trough a nigga contract

by garytheemperor March 2, 2021

1👍 2👎

Contingency Contract

A game mode in Arknights that only big-brain players can pass. In Contingency Contract (or shorten as CC), there will be a lot of buff and debuff selection, each will have its own difficulty, accumulating to a score called Contingency Level (a.k.a Risk). Each CC season will last 2 weeks. During the first week, the highest risk you can achieve is Risk 26 (Most of the time Risk 18), in week 2 it is 32

Player 1: Hey, have you seen that video where 777Ucky passed Contingency Contract season 6 Risk 18 with only 2 operators?
Player 2: What the heck? I can only pass Risk 5 with 13 operators! How can he do that?

by Sakura_Kaslana March 2, 2022