To engage in dance with companions.
My friends and I were cranking in their car the other day to some Chief Keef.
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Street slang for a low purity crystal meth. You can snort, eat, drink (when mixed with liquids), smoke, or inject it.
Kanon smokes a lot of fucking crank
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A mentally self destructive action carried out by emos.
Involves crying and wanking at the same time.
I need to take a crank.
I can hear you crying, you better not be taking a crank.
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"to do something"
"preferably to do a dance"
"Youuu, crank that soulja boy"
"Youu, crank that batman"
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1) To sound good, really catch your ear, or make you want to start dancing or just vibe along with it. Usually refers to upbeat or mid-tempo songs, but can also refer to slow ones. Refers to songs and music, even if just a beat/rhythm or instrumental. Also could refer to a certain part of a song that you're really feeling.
2) To continually put out songs or albums that you think crank. Refers to the musicians/artists.
3) To put on lively, engaging performances. Also refers to musicians/artists.
1) Chillin' with a few friends and a song you're really feeling comes on:
"Yo, that joint CRANK!" (You might start dancing or just moving to the beat some kinda way if you feel like it).
2) "You heard that new B joint? Man, she CRANK!"
3) Person 1: "Hey, you going to that show?"
Person 2: "YEAH, man! I've seen them in concert before and they CRANK!"
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A powder form of meth, that that people snort. it then creates a chemical reaction in the brain and causes a person to get high.
Crank can cause severe mental and physical disabilities.
Crank is a yellowish white color.
Its can also be smoked through a pipe. Smokeing Crank is the hardest on your body and mind.
" yo biotch pass me a line of that there crank woman. Did i studder, p-p-passs me a line biotch!"
"Hey man, pass me that bowl of crank."
"woah maan, i think this chicks been crankin, you tear the panties and ill hold the legs!"
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The present form of the past tense Crunk. Use Crank while refering to a moment when you were Crunk.
Crank today, crunk tomorrow.
I was so crunk last night, I am so crank right now.
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