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A mysterious situation or occurrence that leaves one scratching their head.

"Did you hear that loud boom last night? It came out of no where and I have no idea what caused it."

"Yeah, I heard it too! Very weird.. Definitely Dandruff."

by Steve Blends February 18, 2022


the most delicious thing of all time

holy shit dandruff is so tasty i eat it all the time

by JM99 Official October 2, 2023



Nibba gimmi sum mf dandruff im starving

by Dentro 4 January 4, 2019


When dead skin cells on the scalp sheds faster than it is supposed to resulting in noticeable flaky skin on one's hair. It is usually the result of a greasy scalp which is not always your fault because some people produce more sebum than others which may be the result of hormonal imbalances. There is a common misconception where it is caused by a dry scalp, but it is caused by the polar opposite.

I've had greasy hair with dandruff before and it is not fun. Take care of your scalp peeps!

by Rotten Turkey July 30, 2022