Whale penis A.K.A Matt Karizinski
Matter karizinki doesn't just have a human penis but a dork instead
My boyfriend is a dork, now he can’t tell me that he isn’t or that it’s not what it means
A dork is a clumsy and silly person who is really awkward.
Person 1: Bro, that girl is such a dork.
Person 2: Ikr she is so clumsy.
Person 1: That's why I called her a fucking dork.
A majorly nerdy goofball; someone who sleeps constantly, forgets to answer texts, and is incredibly short.
Like, so freaking tiny. Also, usually addicted to french fries.
See: Smol Nub
That Vi sure is a complete dorkosaurus!
A person who's really small and dumb and REALLY FRICKEN NERDY 🌐🚼☑️
Cole:Hey dork!📕
Pamala:Its trash get it right!!🗑