Source Code

Amongla Nae Nae Download

The wording present in the image of one orange among us thing dancing the whip and nae nae in front of Cyan among us thing for no reason. The image is based on the among us nae nae video.

Person 1: Amongla nae nae download!
Person 2: Dude, what? What the fuck is that?

Person 1: Amongla nae nae download.
Person 2: Stop. What does that even mean?
Person 1: Amongla nae nae swag.
Person 2: That’s it, get the fuck out of my house.

by whyarewestillhere August 25, 2022

5πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Summer Car Free Download

My Summer Car Free Download

My Summer Car Free Download

by miimob November 17, 2022


COMPULSIVE DOWNLOADING DISORDER (CDD) is an anxiety disorder characterized by uncontrollable, wanted thoughts of DOWNLOADING Anything and everything you feel compelled to have.


Was searching for a certain TV series and was compelled to download others.


3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Vimm's Lair is funded solely through advertising and strives to keep ads as unobtrusive as possible. Bandwidth is expensive so before you download, please consider disabling your ad blocker.

If you use an adblocker, and try to download a rom/an iso from Vimm site, OR
if you use Bing or DuckDuckGo and their search results show Vimm site, this message appears.
(This is one of the longest words to ever defined on UrbanDict as long as my longest word to ever submit.)

Vimm's Lair is funded solely through advertising and strives to keep ads as unobtrusive as possible. Bandwidth is expensive so before you download, please consider disabling your ad blocker.

by Shiine-1 April 28, 2022

11πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


To dock Ones butthole to another's, and deposit poop into the other.

My bro and I were downloading last night.

by MrBrainDead July 23, 2022


A slang for "internet connection" created in 2010 by Jevastus Destinus.

Guy #1: What speed is your downloader?
Guy #2: Who cares.

by Jevastus Destinus January 18, 2011

The Download Dawg

Doing Doggy Style in a Tent At Download Festival (UK)

"Dude i totally did the Download Dawg last night."

by stonedmonkey92 June 11, 2012