Dreamsexual is often used to define people that has never seen grass and are so desperate to be a LGBT member they use the title.
Person 1: I am dreamsexual
Person 2: According to the doctors you are also a failed abortion
There’s 2 version of this the good kind and the video kind I’ll explain both of them
Good kind fully valid: this version of dreamsexual isn’t about the YouTuber, the flag has a moon on it with yellow and blue colours and it has other names like Dreamsexual, also known as Sognaresexual and Yumesexual, is when someone only feels sexual attraction during dreams, but rarely or never feels sexual attraction when awake. It is on the asexual spectrum, and the aromantic counterpart is dreamromantic or sognareromantic Vs the bad version
Bad version NOT VAILD!: I don’t even want to type about it! Look down and it’s there gross
Billy! I hear you were dreamsexual your gross!!
What’s wrong with it?
He’s a YouTuber billy! And I thought you were ase sexual!
Oh I am your mistaken it as the bad version to me it means I only have sexual attraction during dreams and not in the real world
Oh… sorry Billy
It’s okay mark
Dreamsexuals are making me want to end it all rn bro wtf
People with a special condition that causes them to reduced neural function
Dreamsexuals should't exist
Either someone who has wet dreams or is a degenerate.
Bob: I am a dreamsexual
Paul: You better not be one of them 'people'
Bob: No I get frequent wet dreams, also what do you mean?
Paul: Them weirdos who romantic a YouTuber
Fatherless child that believes their crush is a sexuality
And they simply cant be reasoned with.
Anyone that disagrees is called a "bigot" and "dreamphobic nazi"
NonSpecificHuman1:I am coming out as dreamsexual!
NonSpecificHuman2:dude thats not a real sexuality
Fatherless Garbage dip shits trying to make a fake gender trying to make into LGBTQ+. That's fucking cringe
Dreamsexual are cringe if you are a dream sexual you are a disgrace and we beg you to get the eff off the internet!