Source Code

Strict Editor

Any editor that regulates what he or she puts in their system by the exact guidelines. Usually a better editor than a loose editor who will usually become an editing vigilante.

Man, that strict editor played it by the book.

by The Real Iggy October 26, 2006

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Urbandictionary Editors

The dumbass faggots who allow racist, sexist, homophobic, and antisemetic definitions but they don't allow definitions that are actually made out of fun. Number of definitions they have allowed:

Black People
"A loud, ignorant race of people. They're the smelliest people on this planet since they never bother to wash their greasy fried chicken infested hair or any part of their body. Whites will always be superior."

"People who like kool-aid, fried chicken, and watermelon."

Women or Woman
"The useless skin around the vagina."

"The inferior sex."

Man or Men
"Idiots that are the scum of the Earth."

"A male spieces in which porn occupies 90% of his brain."

Now the fun definitions they have allowed that are not racist, sexist, etc.

"We don't get them and we never will. Seriously, how can a woman drive boiling hot wax up her leg to remove hair and still be scared of a spider?"

"I don't trust anything that bleeds for 5 days and doesn't die."


Me: (reading definitions for black people) Wow, Urbandictionary Editors actually allowed this racist crap on the website.

by tamtam27 October 3, 2010

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urbandictionary editors

The people who edit UrbanDictionary.

They reject definitions if they have too many big words or not enough ethnic slurs.

The urbandictionary editors rejected an "emo" definition made by an actual emo fan, and accepted 20 "emo" definitions written by a bunch of fat greasy nerds who have never listened to emo music nor met an emo fan in their life.

by radium July 13, 2006

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Volunteer Editors

Volunteer Editors are the people who will reject all your Urban Dictionary words for no reason. It enrages people especially when they put a lot of work into there word. They do not understand that some words are not easy to make definitions for but they allow dumb posts that have no proper grammar or have any meaning.

Human 1: Bro my word got rejected again
Human 2: Man those Volunteer Editors are being real assholes today

by SkiRacerKG July 17, 2020

official editors

Those people in the early 21st century that made Urban Dictionary possible. Ie, Mr. V

Did you know Mr. V was one of the official editors back when flipphones were dank.

by Mr. V the og April 11, 2017

Romantic Editor

Some mug who puts a girls name on urban dictionary and puts some cringey ass meaning like 'the most beautifulest girl on the planet' or some shit like that

"Joe is sooo cute!! What a romantic editor!"
"What a mug"

by JayKayBea May 4, 2014

Urbandictionary editors

People that work for the site Urbandictonary.com. They are notorious for rejecting well-written definitions. Jeez what is wrong about writing about a Scottish village or an obscure video game?

Person 1: Look what I wrote about Balloch!
Person 2: That's well written.
Person 1: Ok, I'll submit it to Urbandictonary.com *submits definition*
Urbandictionary Editors: REJECTED
Person 1: NOOOOOO!!! What did I do wrong?!

by FunkDaBeat September 23, 2014