The One that is the Most , Son of a Bitched ,, of them all .
When refering to Multible , Son of a Bitches .the one that is the most ...(what ever )? is the most ... sons of a bitchen est
Example :oh Man ,,That's the most Sons O' Bitchen' est , Of All them Son of a bitches , ThaT I ever did see . And,I done seen A lot o' them Sum bitches too. !
2*person- Well,, Hell, Man --If you aint about, the last Son of Bitch , I da' thought --that woulda went to callin' -this one and that ,sumbitches ! Well hell Man , Your the Sumbitchenest , Sumbitch , Of Em' All !!
This man is your average douchebag basically a bag of cocks. He is also a non profit hoeing hoe also a slut but he never gets pussy or nudes cause hes such a dick to everyone.
Hey did you ask that Noah Estes looking kid to the party? Cause im pretty sure he wanted in on our sausage fest.
Formerly known as EsteTheGamer and EsteTheAwesomeGamer, he is one of the top power rangers youtubers
Estes is respectful to the homies and lets them hit if they want to
Sokratis can i hit
Estes yes u can
Declarative pronouncement that a discussion thread in a web forum or blog comments section is concluded due to an antagonists self defeating argument(s).
Statement that further discourse is terminated due to a poster not being able to stay on topic.
From the Latin for: “the thread is broken”. Used in response to posts which invoke “Godwin’s Law”, are in the form of “Reductio ad Hitlerum” or employ the “Race Card”
We are talking about vegetarian menus in school and not about Nazi Germany so filum fractum est.
Filum fractum est because you keep trolling with accusations of racism for us discussing welfare reform.
By adding EST to any word, increases the level of severity of the word, even if the word already has one EST on it, it can be added an indefinite number of times.
Michael you are the dumbest person alive. Oh yeah chris? Well you are the dumbestEST person alive. - the est clause